Monday, February 15, 2010

StreightAngular and Ladderlegs with Lovewhip and Naked on Rollerskates!

Tomorrow NIght!!! Big Show!! StreightAngular and Ladderlegs play with Lovewhip and Naked on Rollerskates!

check out the info at!

At Church of Boston
F-Nice Presents Electro-Pop night:
Ladderlegs - 8 pm
Naked on Roller Skates - 9 pm
Streight Angular - 10 pm
Lovewhip - 11 pm

Doors Open at 7:30 PM
$6 advance, $8 day of show

Also, stay tuned for more upcoming events!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hcg 5000 injection is a form of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, typically referred to as HCG. It is used for more than a few situations together with girl infertility (ovulation-associated), weight reduction, and male infertility (associated with sperm be counted). The medicine is likewise used for treating behind-schedule puberty in younger boys as it allows the testicles to descend into the scrotum efficaciously. This product is packaged with a sealed, single-use needle that is appropriate for administering this medicine.
