Friday, February 19, 2010

New Polk Events Calander + UPCOMING EVENTS~

If you look to your left, you'll notice there are now TWO awesome pages contained in the Polk Records Information Blog. There's a brand new calendar page specifically for upcoming Polk Records events and happenings... basically a whole lotta stuff you should pay attention to. ;) If you noticed that, you probably noticed that the entire layout is completely different. I just spent a whopping five hours making everything perfect.

So, before I continue, there are two events coming up this week! Both of them are on the calendar, but here ya go...

On Monday, Abram Taber is going to play on the radio show Live at The Fallout Shelter for WUML. The station is 91.5 and it starts at 8PM. Be sure to check that out... or if you go to UML you should stop by the station.

On Thursday, This Buildings On Fire... will be playing live at The Tavern at The End of The World at 9PM. That's in Charlestown, MA. He's an incredible acoustic artist, and this is something you DEFINITELY do NOT want to miss! He'll melt your heart. This is a free show.

If you're involved with Polk Records, you possibly already know me, but here I am virtually introducing myself to you. My name is Jen and I'm gonna start contributing to the Polk Records Information Blog so we can be sure it's updated frequently and turns out as awesome as it could be.
I guess a little about myself? I'm a photographer. I do school portraits and prom photos... awesome, right? Some people call me christmas and if you showed up to the Polk Records Winter Ball in 2009, I was taking pictures of Santa. ya. That's all yr getting.

OKAY.. so, blog stuff. I've been working with people brainstorming ideas for the blog. We want to make this as useful, easy to navigate, cool lookin', craziest shit ever. If not that, it's at least gonna be convenient and awesome.. which is what we need.

+"What's going on tonight?" (Basically, we tell you what awesome stuff to do.)
+Artist profiles.
+Live photos.
+Notable upcoming bands.
+Things we think are cool.
+Song and album downloads.

If you've read this far... check out this sweet video I took of Abram Taber at The Tavern at The End of The World last Thursday... The audio gets kind of muddy towards the middle... just sayin'

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