Our dearest friends Ted, Colin and Meg from Boston, MA have a wonderful podcast called Bridges and Squares.
This podcast is very entertaining and always has a performance of a local Boston band/artist on their show. The commentary is highly insightful as well as educational and enlightening. There knowledge of the subject matter is thorough and their presentation is low key and make the listener feel as though he/she is sitting around the table with a bunch of friends who like to talk about music. It is very amusing hearing the different characters try to get their strong opinions across to each other and to the listener.
Ted is the eager radical die hard music lover who stands in front of speakers at shows so he can really "feel the music", Meg is the "Debbie Downer" life in your middle years, "I got to go, cuz I got to work in the morning, cuz somebody's got to pay the bills around here" glory days music enthusiast, and Colin is the lovable always ready to give some remarkably insightful comment darling who's cuteness and heartwarming love of life and music come through in his choices of vocabulary.
Bands that have played on the Bridges and Squares shows are StreightAngular, The Freeways and Abram Taber. One listen and you'll be hooked. We haven't heard anything this good since we overheard the theme song for The A-Team randomly playing in our living room.
Listen all the time! here: Bridges and Squares.
I'm an angry commenter! This stuff stinks. Actually this is Ted. Thanks for the love Al. We're trying, you're trying, this other guys is trying. We will overcome. Boston is the epicenter of good music in the USA. I am only being half-ironic about that comment.