Monday, February 22, 2010

children with cigarettes.

You should listen to 91.5 WUMLtonight for Abram Taber! And let's not forget St. Claire and This Building's On Fire... at The Tavern on Thursday. This is a good week. Both of these events are on the Polk Calendar!

I've added a few more pages. One of which is titled "MP3s." That page has some contact info to get in touch with us... Maybe you wanna throw us a song are two? Maybe it'll end up on here. Who knows! Try it out. We're interested in you! Just sayin... The photo page will be up soon and it's gonna be rad. I'm also working on compiling links to our friends for the link page. Working hard! I've also added a few more upcoming shows to the calendar up to some time in April. Check them out.. see if you're interested. It's good stuff, I promise. I feel like I have good judgment.

Speaking of my judgment... I'd like to share my favorite photograph of all time. It's not the most beautiful shot in the world, per say, but I've always felt some kind of connection to this photo...

This photo is called "Amanda And Her Cousin Amy" by Mary Ellen Mark (who is quite incredible, if I do say so myself.)
Lucky for me, I found a text describing the smoking little girl written by the photographer. I think it's pretty brilliant.

"IN 1990, Peter Howe at Life magazine sent me to North Carolina to photograph a special school for children with problems. The school was a very strange place because all of the twenty or so children were in the same classroom and their problems ranged from mild behavior instability to severe schizophrenia.
Nine-year-old Amanda was the most interesting child in the class. She was my favorite child. Amanda was very intelligent and very naughty. One day I followed her home on the school bus. When the bus stopped at her house, she dashed ahead of me and ran into a nearby wooded area. I continued to follow her into the woods and eventually found her sitting in an old stuffed chair having a cigarette. She thought that I would reprimand her since I was an adult. But I said nothing.
The following Sunday, I spent the day at home with Amanda and her mother. Amanda totally controlled her mother. She constantly gave her orders and proceeded to put on her mother's nail polish and makeup. Amanda smoked openly in front of her. Her 8-year-old cousin Amy was coming over, and she was very excited. All day long, Amanda and her cousin played like children. Every forty-five minutes or so, Amanda would take a break to have a cigarette. Her mother could say nothing; Amanda was the boss.
Just before I left, I looked for Amanda to say good-bye. I found her and Amy in the backyard. They were in a children's inflatable pool. Amanda was taking her regular cigarette break."

Rebellion is such an interesting thing.
I've done portraits at schools (or sections of schools) for "the misbehaved" in the past. These kids harass and break down every human in their path... for no apparent reason. Telling people to "fuck off" and call them horrible names for standing the wrong way. I really wanted to sit down and figure them out.
I've actually had a young lady who tried to bite my arm before. That's among all the times I've been scratched and hit and pretty much everything else you can imagine. Photographers take more shit than you think. ;)

see ya lata.

(Don't forget to keep checking for updates!)

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