If anyone works harder at bringing the awesomeness of past music into the future and beyond it is A Bit Much. They are single handly showing all the rest of the musicians around town that there is a way to make new music that is still relevant and doesn't suck! Even when singing of an affair that happened nearly 50 years ago, A Bit Much's new single seems to ring ever truer on Valentine's Day 2011.
"(All I Want Is) George Harrison's Wife" has great production and pizaz. Reminiscent of David Bowie's Hunky Dory period, the vocals are dry upfront and the band is crisp and present. Lead singer, Eric Degan, sings his heart out and delivers tongue in cheek lyrics of yearning and desire. He even does a duet with himself.
A Bit Much make it look easy. They pull every note off with such grace. The track sounds bright and fantastic. Each player is an expert at their craft. This song is dedicated to the facsination of one of the most sought after muses in rock 'n' roll history, Patti Boyd. Degan sings in the bridge, "And though it feels so wrong, still, i know it can't be wrong/even if I never write a better song." Perhaps, speaking to the countless other songs written about this dame.
"...Harrison's Wife" is a true stand out performance and is a force to be reckoned with. It comes with solos, guitar-monies, and wonderful dynamics. If you listen close you can hear the band go through every chord in the musical alphabet. Musician's, it will make you want to pull out your chord chart.
Jim Glancy kills it on drums with appropriate pulsating fills. Carl Lillis has a sultry soft touch on the grand piano. Bobby Lillis glues this valentine together with his electric bass guitar. God- It even has Degan singing and harmonizing with himself, intereweaving back ground vocals. One can just picture Degan in a blonde wig singing to himself with such adoration. It's pretty great.
The B-side "My Marriage to Michael Stipe" actually feels like it could stand alone as a single. It's a bluesy number that spans Degan's range as a singer and makes a very cool back drop for a candle lit dinner!
Over all, "(All I Want Is) George Harrison's Wife" single will keep you coming back for more. A Bit Much live up to there name and the track really is just right.
Seeing these songs performed live is much better. It will blow your mind and exceed your expectations.
Go see them this Valentine's Day at the unStandard event "Touch" at the Cantab Lounge in Central Square Cambridge.
You will not be dissapointed and your date might actually feel inspired to let you get to the next base or even bring you home!
- A. Polk
"(All I Want Is) George Harrison's Wife" released 14 February 2011 Eric Degan - vocals, guitars Bobby Lillis - electric bass guitar, vocals Jim Glancy - Eames drums, cymbals, percussion Carl Lillis - piano, organ
Engineered by Jon Taft at Woolly Mammoth Studios, Waltham, MA, New Alliance Studios, Cambridge, MA, and the Presidential Mansion, Somerville, MA (www.woollymammothsound.net / www.newallianceaudio.com / taftaudio@gmail.com) Mastered by Nick Zampiello and Rob Gonnella at New Alliance East (www.newallianceeast.com)
Artwork by Brian R. Hart (www.thebrianhart.com)
In association with Polk Records. Check out our lovely label mates! (www.polkrecords.org)
Rating Key 1 POLK- Don’t Bother 2 POLKs- Give it a listen or two 3 POLKs - Make part of your daily routine 4 POLKs - Must Own, Buy, Illegally Download NOW! 5 POLKs - Don’t tell anyone about it (it’s your personal treasure)